Friday, May 25, 2007

Three Day Weekend, I Welcome You!

I am so glad it's Friday and that the potential is there for me to sleep in for three glorious days!

Today it's sunny and lovely outside. Here's hoping it stays that way! I'll get so much done this weekend if it stays nice!

Every year on Memorial Day I decorate my grandparent's grave. Last year I think I missed because I was still recovering from my surgery. It was important to my grandmother that my grandfather was celebrated and remembered because he was a WWII veteran, and I have tried to adhere to her wishes. This weekend is the one time a year flowers are permitted to be displayed at the cemetery for more than a day or so.

My grandfather and grandmother's ashes were buried side by side at the Dayton National Cemetery. His information...birth, death, war served and rank is all on the front of the stone, and her name, birth and death dates are listed on the back. I usually get one of those headstone sprays so that the one decoration applies to both of them. This year I bought the flowers early so that I wouldn't miss out. Around this time of year the selection gets slim and it's hard to find the headstone sprays. I do have to say that the Dayton National Cemetery is a sight to behold. It is magnificent. Row after row after row of headstones....arranged in the same way Arlington's breathtaking and humbling.

Regarding flowers on my grave when I pass, however, I feel this way: Don't waste the money after I'm gone. See, I am the type of person that thinks people should be celebrated while they are living. Send flowers NOW, while your loved one can enjoy them. My body is just that: a body I was borrowing while I walked this earth. When I'm gone, I'm no longer in it. If you want to celebrate me, write a poem or send a card to someone you love. Reach out to that elderly neighbor beside you who could use a listening ear. There are so many folks that are living that need food, shelter, clothing, or maybe just a friend. Whatever you do, don't waste your time standing over my grave, weeping. I won't be there! Only my shell will be there, and the shell is nothing but an empty vessel.

This post took on an unexpected tone today. Hmmm. Wasn't planning on going that direction, so I'm going to make a U-turn.

Have I ever told you that I really enjoy fishing? Yep. I find it so tranquil, just sitting on the bank of pond or creek, line in the water, waiting. Watching birds fly overhead....seeing the little disturbances in the water....breezes brushing the trees with life. So calming. We always do catch and release. We are not fish eaters, really, but just enjoy getting away from civilization for awhile. I have a friend who has a little pond in front of her house which is a perfect fishing spot for our family. Hopefully we'll get at least a partial day of fishing in this weekend.

Other than that, we've got some goodies ready to grill, extra eggs to make deviled eggs and high hopes to get some organizing/house cleaning done. One can only hope!

Until my next post, hope you have a great weekend, whether you have three days off or not.

Hugs and love to all!


Holli said...

Me too! I have never went to a cemetary to visit a grave. And when someone had said they were I said HUH? I had never heard of such a thing. Yes, when I'm gone... let me be gone. Don't waste your time standing over an empty grave. My soul will be praising God with the choirs that have gone on before us!
I didn't have any plans and now I do. B-day party Sat, coloring hair Sunday and cooking out with Dad on Monday. A nice lovely weekend not to hectic! Only part that stinks is my hubby as to work all of it!
Enjoy your weekend, peace and love my dearest friend!

Leah said...

I hope you have a fabulous long weekend-you deserve the R&R!

But fishing? Let me tell you a couple of fishing stories...

When I was a little girl, we were out on my uncle's boat fishing. My mom went to cast off into the water and the worm went flying off her hook. Onto my lower lip. Where it hung as I stood in horror.

Same summer, I was playing in the cabin of the boat. As I stepped out of the cabin, my cousin, who had just caught a fish, was swinging the fish over to my mom to take off the hook. Swinging it right across the entrance to the cabin, where the fish promptly smacked me in the face.

Needless to say, I don't like fishing...

But have fun!

Kristi K. said...

Ellie, those are horrible fishing stories! No wonder you're no fan of fishing.

I didn't ever go fishing as a child. Didn't go the first time until I was in my mid to late twenties.

Maybe I should be thankful for that! ;)

Holli, enjoy your full weekend, even though hubby is going to be working. Hope you and Tucker have loads of fun!