This Looks Like a Fun Contest:
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This looks like a fun contest, but if you want to enter it, the deadline is tomorrow night, so hurry!
Here's the scoop:
Here's the blog author's example:
There once was a musing blog written by Jen
Who thought of contests that anyone could pen
From a story to haiku
What could a blogger do?
And a limerick contest was begun by Jen
Okay, here goes my attempt:
There once was a goofy blogger named Kristi Kay....
who juggled work, kids and her Noah's Ark each day.
in her imaginary spare time-
she would oft pen a rhyme;
for she was never at a loss for something silly to say.
Okay, that's all I have right now. Wish me luck! ;)
Thank you for joining in! It's great.
This has been a fun contest to run.
what a great limerick!! how fun!
btw...i love the new banner with the colors!!
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