Monday, September 11, 2006

Because She's Goin' to the Chapel and She's Gonna Get Married........

Go Ellie, go Ellie! She did it! She popped the question! If you want to know what I'm talking about, go to:

This is one cool gal! Only thing I want to know is, do I get a virtual invite to the wedding? Oh yeah, and when IS the wedding? Just kidding. Had to say it. Felt compelled. :)

That was good news on an otherwise somber day. It's hard not to be sad today with all the memorials and tributes to the fallen on this the 5 year anniversary of September 11th. It was foremost in my mind all day long. I think it changed us all somehow in America. Some for better, and some for worse. Like all of us, I remember exactly where I was when it happened.

My boss and I were working away in our office. At that time, I still worked in her office in accounting/payroll. She was listening to a news station (BBC?), like she always does, and there was some announcement about a plane entering a no-fly zone in New York City. We rushed to the conference room to watch the news unfold on the television.

Just as we turned on the t.v., the first plane hit. I still remember the feeling of shock and disbelief. When the second plane hit, then the news came in about Washington D.C. as well as the Pennsylvania flight going down, I think we all wondered what was next. There was such uncertainty at first. The grief came later. How truly, truly sad and so unnecessary.

I still can't believe Josh was only 10 years old at the time. My baby was 4. It was so hard to explain to them. I still can't explain it to myself.

So, my thoughts have been with the families and loved ones left behind today. September 11th...9/11....after 2001, it was no longer just another uneventful day on the calendar.

Before I close today, I request the following:

Please say a quick prayer for Bipsy's granddaughter, who is in the hospital today. She's only two years old and has pneumonia. She's very listless and sleeping constantly. She's been sick since Saturday.

To top it off, Bipsy had to have her horse put down last night. He broke his leg, and because he was 25 years old, she was left with no choice. She's just having a tough time of it.

I am calling it a night and heading home. I've had a rough time with my allergies today. I spent a good portion of my weekend cleaning, so this is payback. When will I ever learn to wear a mask? The weather is so nice, the temperature is very moderate, so this is my favorite time of year to clean. Hopefully this flare up won't last long. I hates me some allergies! :) Just call me Kristi the Red Nosed Admin.!

Have a good night, all. More later.


Leah said...

Thanks, Kristi! I just can't wipe the silly grin off my face.

I was driving the shuttle bus for our dealership on September 11, 2001. I remember having to pull over in a parking lot because I couldn't believe that a plane had hit the WTC. at that point, everyone thought it was a freak accident. Then when the second plane hit, it was utter disbelief that the U.S. was under attack. I don't think the world itself changed that day, but everyone's perception of it did.

My thoughts are with Bipsy's granddaughter. Hopefully she gets better soon. It's so tough to see someone so little sick. And her poor horse...that must have been heartbreaking for Bipsy to have to put the horse down :(

neicybelle said...

yay! for friends getting engaged!

boo for fear and terror and heavy sadness...

my prayers are with bipsy and her granddaughter...thanks for sharing!