How's Life?
Everyone is so quiet out there in bloggerville. Actually working, I suspect.... I thought I'd take a moment to pause and update my blog today.
Sigh. I'm a little melancholy today. Just feel like I'm in limbo. I think it's the weather. So cruel. Hype us up with 60s and 70s then crash us down with intermittant snow and grey skies and cold temperatures. Just when I was all in the swing of Spring Fever!
I did have a good weekend. Not fabulous, but good. Five in a row? Yes indeedy. I may have to contact the people at Guiness for a personal record.
We started out Friday night on a bad note, but it improved.
We had a rip roaring good old fashioned family argument, which quickly turned from Robert and Jess bickering to Robert and I full out yelling. It was unusual but it happens sometimes. Even in the best of families, I'm thinking. I was angry, I cried, said some hateful stuff then huffed off in silence for awhile. Within an hour or so we made up. We took the kids to a skating (roller) rink about a half an hour away, then went out to eat at an El Dorado's that we've never been to before. I will confess that I drank both a 27 oz and a 16 oz strawberry marguerita. I don't really react much to alcohol, so I wasn't staggering around, but I did chill out a little bit. Literally.
Saturday was good. Went to Holli's for her CTMH get together. Took Jess and my friend, Sheila, showed up after much badgering all week. Plus I called and woke her up Saturday at 1ish. She always says, "Don't worry about waking me up. If I've worked the night before (she works third shift, 12 hr. shifts) I will keep my phone off while I am sleeping and let my voice mail pick up." NOT! Now I know why I never call her during the day. But we had a good time figuring out our orders. We tried not to order duplicate stuff, because we plan on sharing. We'll see how that works. Holli did an awesome job with her presentation. She seemed very confident. I was impressed.
Sunday, I got up bright and early in the a.m. and made a Wal-mart run. I picked up everything I could possibly think of that my family would need that we were out of so that we could get our sorry butts to church on Easter Sunday. I bought Josh and Robert shave cream and razors...we were out. I bought Robert a couple of churchy shirts, some slacks and a new belt. I bought the boys dress socks. I bought Jo and Josh some new slacks. I bought Jess a pair of leggings to go under her skirt. (It's so fashionable these days, but plus it was cold.) I even bought myself a sweater. I bought some pre-church snacks so we wouldn't need to cook breakfast prior to getting ready. I filled up the gas tank. I wanted all of our ducks to be in a row. Miraculously, we made it to church on time.
It was a good service. We really enjoy this has 400+ attendees each week. Robert likes that so he can blend in, unnoticed. I like it because there are numerous small groups I can get involved in if I want to, and it has a diverse children's ministry. It is also a bit more racially balanced than a lot of churches in the area. I do know some people from scrapbooking, from when we went there before, or from the kids' schools over the years. Several folks stopped me to chat. The worship is upbeat, the atmosphere comfortable. We are glad we went. We plan to make it a habit.
I did all of the cooking Sunday, which is unheard of at our house. :) Okay, sometimes on Sundays I do the cooking. Not regularly. Sometimes. I think Robert enjoys a break from the chore on occasion.
I made ham and cheese melts for lunch and chicken alfredo for supper. We had strawberry shortcake for dessert, and Robert made a salad to go with dinner.
Jo, Jess and I colored eggs. Really, I just boiled the eggs, got the supplies out and let them do the rest. Jess started laughing when she was measuring the vinegar and spilled it on Jo. It was a hoot.
All three kids hunted for eggs. Yes, even Josh. It was fun to watch. Jo got the most. He predicted that he will get as many eggs as he is old...says he does it every year....and sure enough, he got 9! Cool! He may have inherited some of my "sight," which I have not and probably will not talk about here. :) I have to have some secrets, right? ;) Anyway, we had colored two dozen eggs, and he got nine, so he came out the winner. It was fun.
So that was my weekend. How was yours?
1 comment:
Doesn't this weather suck? Mother Nature sure got our hopes up with that small burst of warm weather, and now it's just cold and damp. Blah.
Sounds like you had a fab weekend (aside from the argument, lol). And roller skating-how fun!
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