Monday, July 17, 2006

A Survey

This survey was on Trish's blog. You can access her blog via my links section. She is a fellow mom and scrapbooker. Thought I'd follow her lead and complete the survey just for the fun of it.

7 people that I admire:
- Jesus
- My grandfather
- Billy Graham
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
- My husband
- My friends
- Mrs. "H," my former Sunday School teacher

7 things I say often:
- "Geez!"
- "..And knowing is half the battle..."
- "O......kay..."
- "What's the dealio?"
- "Oh my goodness/gosh!"
- "Right. Right." (When I'm listening, I nod and say that. It's a habit.)
- "Hmmmm...." (Usually muttered under my breath.)

7 things I cannot do:
- swim...but one day I am determined I will
- juggle
- eat fast
- hold a grudge
- be around a person or people that smoke...kicks my asthma in.
- drive a stick shift
- keep my mouth shut when I feel strongly about something

7 things you might not know about me:
- I hate oysters, shrimp, crab, lobsters...mostly all sea food except fish.
- I am a big kid at heart. I don't want to change that.
- I love to laugh and I seek people, t.v. shows, books, movies: whatever- that make me laugh.
- I want to have laser vision correction done in the next few years.
- When I work a lot, I worry that I'm failing as a mom, but when I cut down my hours, I worry that I'm not doing my share as a wife and provider for my kids.
- My relationship with my biological father-my only remaining parent-is a constant source of disappointment and grief to me.
- I love having my hair touched or even brushed. I think that's how my husband won me over.

7 movies I enjoyed:
- Don't Tell Her It's Me
- 13 Going on 30
- The Lost Boys
- The Jerk
- National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
- Oh Brother Where Art Thou?
- Second Hand Lions

7 things I wish I could change in my life:
- I'd think before talking and talk less.
- I'd love to be able to work fewer hours and be several months ahead on my bills.
- I wish I could find a church where I feel we could fit in.
- I'd like to be able to be more consistent spiritually, physically (exercise) and mentally (fewer days feeling "down.")
- Being a patient, loving wife wouldn't be so hard for me.
- I'd wear my heart on my sleeve a whole lot less.
- I wouldn't worry so much.

7 books I have read and would read again:
- The Bible
- Anything by the author William Gay
- The Collected Poems of Robert Frost
- The Birth Order Book by Dr. Kevin Lehman
- Earth Medicine by Kenneth Meadows
- Roots
- The Cedar Cove Series by D. Maycomber

7 people who should do this:

-Anyone who feels like it! Geez! :)

1 comment:

Trish- Advocare Advisor said...

Thanks for taking the survey Kristi! Love the little insight into the person you are.Have a great day!