Monday, December 18, 2006

Miscellaneous Babbling

Hey, quick "hello" post. I have to leave here real soon to go to the doctor. I have a UTI and the start of a sinus infection. Last time I put off going to the doctor when I had two simultaneous infections, I ended up with pnuemonia. I don't have time for that with Christmas one week away, so it's time to skip the wait and go now. :) So, yay for antibiotics and boo for infections!

Yay that I have more done for Christmas than I did before, including several wrapped gifts under the tree. Yay for nice weather, and yay for a quiet day here at work.

Hope you're having a great Monday. I just read that more heart attacks take place on Mondays than any other day. I believe that! So, if you're feeling stress or just plain ole' stress, take a deep breathe, imagine yourself in a tropical island, and exhale. Remember: there's only one Monday a week on our calendar. :)


Leah said...

Hey! I like the new picture!

neicybelle said...

mmmmmmmm...tropical island...i am so there!!

Holli said...

I do hope you are feeling better sweetie! I am hoping that by now you have even more accomplished. I wish you and your family a very blessed and merry Christmas!