Taking Time for a Laugh
The neighbor's display made me laugh this evening. If you can't tell, it's a man (a plumber?) ;) who fell off his bike on the way to work. :) Oh, what a hoot! It gave me a chuckle when I most needed it! Jo took the pictures, which impressed me. He did such a good job!
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Hey, at least he was wearing a helmut and didn't smash his pumpkin head! That is too cute and Jo did an excellent job at taking the pictures!
That is hysterical!
At least you have something to laugh at everyday as you head out to work!
Quick question: Did you ask jess about babysitting for me?
Thanks and I do hope you are doing only was is possible at work and not stressing out over what does not get done!
funny pic! thanks for the smile! hope things are going well!
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