A Drive in the Country
On the way home yesterday, I decided to take some pictures. These scenes are on the two country roads I have to drive to get home. Sometimes when I'm driving, I get aggravated that it takes so long to get to the little city where I work. Other times I REALLY open my eyes and I think, "this is a gift." I take cornfields and rolling countryside views for granted. When I pause for a moment and take a closer look, there is beauty all around me.
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Now that is a great way to drive to work! I'm sure the length of the commute could be bothersome at times, but it's just so pretty! My five minute drive is ugly as all heck!
Fall is coming! Fall is coming! I can see the yellow and it's soooo pretty....
Those fields make me want to run through them spreading my hands out over the top of them!
BAH-HUMBUG! All that beautiful color just means winter and 28 degrees and snow and wind is coming!
LOL! Yes, we are blessed with beauty in Ohio. And Kris try driving for 45 minutes! It gets really really old! I get behind every Grandma and tractor there is. HEY! Maybe it was you holding up traffic this morning! HAHAHA!! Just kidding
Well, the length of my commute is about 20 minutes...but it's longer if I know Holli is behind me, because then I only drive about 45 miles per hour. Of course, as soon as she starts to pass me I speed up to 60 and then back down to 45 as soon as she gives up. I want to see how long it will take her to flip me the bird.
HAHAHAHA! Just kidding. Holli and I do have to drive on one of the same highways for a portion of our commute....but I have yet to see her along the way. I think that's because she might actually leave for work on time, unlike me who too often leaves right when I'm supposed to BE at work. :) Thank God for my two bosses who are both very laid back people and not easily irritated by tardiness. :)
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